About the project

The aims

Modernise Healthcare Education

Integrate virtual reality (VR) technology into healthcare education to provide immersive, realistic learning experiences.

Enhance Quality of Care

Improve the quality of care provided to elderly and children by using VR scenarios for educational purposes.

Promote Digital Transformation

Encourage the adoption of digital tools in vocational education and training (VET) and healthcare sectors (elderly and childcare).

Foster Collaboration

Strengthen partnerships between educational institutions and care providers to create relevant and practical training materials.

Support Holistic Learning

Develop comprehensive learning environments that address ethical dilemmas, interaction skills, and sensory training through VR.

The objectives


of 72 real life scripts that can be transformed into VR scenarios.


of 12 VR scenarios focusing on ethics, interaction, stimulation, and sensory training.


of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and VRCARE Library.