Virtual Reality for Real-World Care

Modernizing Healthcare Pedagogy with Virtual Reality for Interaction, Ethics, Stimulation and Sensory Training

About the Project

VRCare is an innovative approach by integrating Virtual Reality as a methodology to teach by changing the old-fashioned pedagogy of social and healthcare education focusing on children and elderly by providing a new way of interacting and stimulating. The project helps improving the social and healthcare services, focus on interaction, ethics, stimulation, and sensory training while enabling the involved in these sectors the opportunities to experience things that they have not been able to experience before.

Project Results

Virtual Learning Environment

The VLE consists of tips on how to introduce VR as a pedagogical tool, how to use it for educational/care purposes, and the benefits of using VR in education.


VRCARE Library contains all the developed real-life scripts and VR scenarios that partners will produce.

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