Let’s meet VRCARE project, an Erasmus+ project that will bring an innovative approach by integrating Virtual Reality as a methodology to teach.
A project that will narrow the gap between education and work by providing real life like learning experiences through VR simulations.
Our aim is to change the old-fashioned pedagogy of social and healthcare education focusing on children and elderly by introducing VR as a way of teaching abstract subjects such as interaction and ethics.
The kickoff meeting took place in Nicosia, Cyprus on 4-6/11/2024 and we’re thrilled to shape the future of education and healthcare using virtual reality.
Since this marked our initial in person encounter, we seized a valuable chance to personally acquaint ourselves. Throughout the meeting, we had the opportunity to review the goals and purposes of the project. We delved into diverse facets of project management and execution and reviewed the already made accomplishments. We also had the chance to set the guidelines on writing real life scenarios and how those can be transferred in VR video scenarios. Last, but not least, we charted out forthcoming steps and timelines.